Why Can’t I Get Well?
By Stephen Luther | Blog , Counseling , Splankna Healing Ministry , Walking Wounded , Wellness
We have all had this experience; we know what is wrong, we want to get well, we may even seek help, but nothing works. It’s frustrating and if you’re like a lot of people, you have just accepted that some things won’t change. You’ve accepted something less than the abundant life Christ came to give you. Or maybe you have accepted some watered down version of abundant life and become convinced there is nothing more.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 NASB
But if Christ came so that we can have abundant life, it must be possible. I challenge you to start believing that. Or at least to start wanting to believe it. Are you willing to do that? Let’s look deeper into this issue and explore what is going on and why so many of us can’t find freedom.
Most of our issues are deeply rooted and buried in our subconscious. They emerge when they are triggered but then they get submerged until they are “needed” again. These issues are the result of a past wound or maybe many past experiences that hurt you. These experiences come with a lot of negative emotion that get attached to that issue and, unless resolved, weigh it down and keep it buried in your subconscious. You may be aware that it is there, but in your conscious mind you cannot resolve it or deal with all of its impact. Think of something being submerged in the deep end of a pool weighed down by a lot of heavy weights. You may dive down and try to bring it to the surface but the weights become too much and you lose your grip and it sinks to the bottom again. This is what it is like when we try to resolve deeply rooted issues. We try to bring it to the surface and deal with it but we can’t. Each time we try, we begin to lose faith that it can be resolved. It’s hard to believe something can be resolved when all your experiences tell you otherwise. It’s hard to believe you can truly be free and have abundant life. That’s why I challenged you, that if you can’t believe it, you can want to believe it. That’s where it starts. Choose to want to believe you can get well, offer that to God and ask him to fill in the gaps in your faith.
Immediately the boy’s father cried out and said, “I do believe; help my unbelief.” Mark 9:24
Let go back to our analogy for a second. What if you could dive down and one at a time cut the weights off of this thing that is submerged in the deep end of the pool. With each weight that is removed it would begin to rise and eventually be floating on the surface of the water. Could you remove it now? absolutely! So what if we could do that with those deeply rooted issues in our lives? Well, you can. This is exactly what we do in Splankna healing ministry.
At Grace Wellness Center we provide both Splankna treatment and in partnership with the Splankna Institute are now offering level 1 Splankna training to pastors, counselors and anyone else who has a passion for ministry and helping others in the Pittsburgh area. You do not have to be a pastor or professional counselor to use this tool. In my personal counseling practice and ministry, Splankna has become my most valuable tool and I believe once you experience it you will understand why. Training is coming to Pittsburgh in July 2016 so don’t miss out!
Please contact me directly with any questions or to come to the office and see a live demonstration. If interested please email me at sluther@thegracewellnesscenter.com
Life is a Journey, do more than survive; choose to THRIVE!
By Stephen Luther
Executive Director of Grace Wellness Center
Licensed Professional Counselor, Therapeutic Parent Coach and Splankna Trainer