CTTR: Counseling Success
By dougl1kj | Podcast , Thrive
Steve and Aki discuss some of the amazing successes they have seen when people embrace the possibility that they can THRIVE in life.
By dougl1kj | Podcast , Thrive
Steve and Aki discuss some of the amazing successes they have seen when people embrace the possibility that they can THRIVE in life.
By dougl1kj | Counseling , Counseling and Therapy , Podcast , Thrive
In this episode Steve and Aki discuss how the THRIVE philosophy makes a difference in the counseling relationship and helps people go from broken to not only surviving but to thriving in their lives.
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By Stephen Luther | Blog , Coaching , Counseling , Thrive , Wellness
I was once asked if, as Christians, we should be plan makers or order followers. How are we suppose to Thrive as Christians? Do we create visions, make plans, or wait for orders? As I thought about this and what scripture says, it was clear that we are to be both plan makers and order followers. We need to find our calling, create visions and be obedient even when we feel ill equipped.
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. Matthew 16:24
Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed. Proverbs 15:22
God desires our partnership in carrying out his work. He wants us to rely on Him and do extraordinary things in his name.
Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father. John 14:12
Ok so how does this work? How do I THRIVE as a believer?
When people hear that my wife and I have 13 kids, many of whom have been severely abused and neglected before they came to us, we get very interesting reaction. Most are very affirming and encouraging but usually somewhere in the discussion they say that it is great that God has equipped us for that calling but they know they haven’t been equipped for something like that. Ok so let’s first look at the calling. God calls us to be more than conquerors, to overcome and to have abundant life. He calls believers to do the works that He did and in fact to do “greater works.” How about this? In James 1:27 God calls us to take care of widows and orphans. So all believers are called to do God sized things; extraordinary things. Every believer has been called to THRIVE!
Ok so now let’s look at this idea of equipping. Every time I have taken in another abused child I have felt ill equipped; because I am. We recently had two children placed with us temporarily and the option to make it permanent came up. Initially I said “absolutely not, we can’t handle any more kids.” Well one day I was sitting next to one of the kids and felt an undeniable call from God that this was my child. That was it. I wasn’t equipped but God called me. I can either be obedient and trust Him to do it through me or I can be disobedient because I don’t feel equipped.
So I believe the process of Thriving, of taking on God sized challenges, looks like this. First we have the vision. We look at how God has designed us and what passions He has placed in our hearts and we allow ourselves to dream BIG. We wake up every day and, like Isaiah, say “here I am God, send me.” Then we EXPECT him to do big things because he is a big God. After seeking God’s direction with these visions, we then make a decision. We decide whether we are going to be obedient and trust God or not. If we decide to wait until we are equipped, we are deciding to not trust God. Then once we trust Him, He gives us the provisions to carry out the vision. If we wait to be equipped we miss it. Dream big, decide to follow God and then watch Him equip you and do it through you.
God is calling you to THRIVE! We are here to come along side you, meet you right where you are and help you get there.
By Stephen Luther | Blog , Coaching , Counseling , Thrive , Wellness
Are you thriving in your life? Do you believe you can or have you settled for just surviving? Have you wondered if there is hope or is this all there is? Let’s take a look at this.
“But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.” Romans 8:37
Are you overcoming? Yeah, me neither. But check it out, God is! Too often we think we have to do it on our own and get overwhelmed and depleted. We conclude we can’t do it….and we are right. But God doesn’t want us to do it; he wants to do it through us. Isn’t that amazing? Doesn’t that make you excited? The God of the universe wants to give you abundant life and help you thrive in your life despite your circumstances. He wants to move you past the limitations and lies that the world has given you. They are nothing to him! What does God want to do in your life that He isn’t because you won’t get out of the way?
“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
In case you are wondering, this doesn’t mean you won’t have suffering or bad things happen to you. What it means is that God has already overcome those circumstances. Read the above verse again. “I HAVE overcome the world.” He has done it, we just have to accept it and let Him live through us. Are you ready?