Moving from Failure to Success – Biblical Life Coaching
By dougl1kj | Blog , Coaching , Life
As Christian Life Coaches, we begin by pointing people to the scriptures to see that we were clearly not made for ordinary lives, we were created for so much more.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10
But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37
Why do many Christians settle for the ordinary? Why do so few even seek “abundant life?” Why are most Christians not even conquerors let alone “more than conquerors?” Why do so few think it is even possible? While there are likely many reasons or variations on why, I believe that it boils down to two related issues…unbelief and fear. Living in fear leads to foolish decisions and ultimately failure. Repeat this cycle long enough and you begin to believe it is all you can do. At this point you are thinking “but I’m not afraid of anything.” Some men are even insulted by the thought they might be afraid…well sorry guys but like it or not we all have fear at the root of our failures.
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. I John 4:18
When I step outside of God’s love I step right into fear. I am not talking about the “fear of the Lord,” that is the only fear that is rooted in love. All other fears are rooted in self love. Does that make sense? If I am walking in God’s love it casts our all other fears but if I am walking in the flesh, pride, self love, I live in fear of things not being how I want them to be and act foolishly based on those fears.
Let’s look at this a little closer. Why do I get angry at my wife? Because things aren’t the way “I” want them to be. In my pride, I lash out at her because I am fearful I won’t get what I feel I need. I act foolishly and end up with a worse mess than I had to begin with. I don’t find peace until I begin to walk in love. This love casts out my fears and I can see clearly to make better decisions. In my fear and anger I have torment as described in I John 4:18. When I walk in love I find answers and greater success. In fear there are problems, in love there are solutions.
Let me put this in a different context. I started Grace Wellness Center a little over 5 years ago. I had no idea what I was doing but believed God lead me to begin this ministry. I followed his leading but then quickly fear took over. I feared failure so I acted in desperation in a number of pursuits. One of those was investing $15,000 in radio ads that didn’t work. When they weren’t working I just kept acting in fear and stubbornly kept trying. I couldn’t accept the loss of $5000 dollars and felt I needed to make it work, so I kept listening to my sales rep that “it just takes time.” Then I couldn’t accept losing $10,000 dollars and felt I had to make it work or the money would just be wasted. I kept convincing myself foolishly that “I” could make this work and recoup my money. I felt “I” had to do this. Then one day I got to the end of myself and got on my knees and asked God what I needed to do. God didn’t meet me with the judgment or disgust I had for myself. He met me with love and I felt him physically lift me up off my knees and heard him tell me “it’s not your job to pay the bills, that’s my job.” I realized at that point that my role in this was to be faithful and to abide in him. With this new contentment and walking in his love, I began to make wise choices and the business began to take off. Five years later we have 15 counseling and coaching centers throughout western PA and offer Biblical Counseling and Biblical Life Coaching to anywhere in the nation via phone or skype.
Whether you are experiencing failure in your relationships, career, health, parenting or any other area of life, Biblical Life Coaching can help you turn those failures into successes. We have several highly qualified coaches with specialties in every area of life waiting to help you find success. Will you partner with us and let us come along side you on your journey towards abundant life?
A wise man will hear and increase in learning,
And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel, Proverbs 1:5
To get there you have to begin the journey, let’s get started!
By Stephen Luther
Executive Director of Grace Wellness Center
Licensed Professional Counselor and Biblical Life Coach